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I first arrived in Cameroun in January 1977 to make a wildlife film about a tropical forest, in the hope of helping to create a national park. I was lucky enough to meet Steve Gartlan and his wife Sue who invited me to stay at their camp on the shores of Lac Tissongo in the Doula Edea reserve on the coast of Cameroun. Happy days! Steve and I went on to collaborate on the establishment of the Korup National Park, that eventually received an official designation in 1986. The resulting film, ‘Korup: An African Rainforest’, was broadcast on Channel 4 in November 1982. 


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Korup, Fragile Earth

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Siarau: The Tidal Forest

Siarau captures the magic of a coastal mangrove forest in Brunei on the north Bornean coast during the course of a year. This strange world of mudskippers, fiddler crabs, Proboscis Monkeys, strange plants and complex ecology is influenced by the moon and the tides...


To view more of Siarau on Wildfilm History... Click Here

Siarau: The Tidal Forest, Korup, Fragile Earth, Proboscis monkey

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Selve Verde: Central American Rainforest

The vital role of bat-catching spiders, army ants, Margays and Jaguars in enriching the rainforest ecology of central America is captured during a year filming in Belize, Costa Rica and Panama.


To view more on Selve Verde on Wildfilm History... Click Here

Jaguar, Selve Verde Central American Rainforest, Korup, Fragile Earth

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Three of the six part part series Fragile Earth for Channel 4 (1982)

Korup: An African Rainforest

Korup: An African Rainforest

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